

A membership group for one another to foster a good community and encourage unity amongst members. We invite you to join us. If you are a graduate of FGCL, or if you attended the institution for a term of one year, or more, you are welcome to join.

Why Join?

When you join the alumni association, you become an ambassador for the high school. The association builds lifelong relationships between alumni and their alma mater and works to make FGCL the strongest academic institution possible.

By joining the association you also gain access to a variety of membership benefits and an opportunity to support the association activities. Become a member now.

Membership Benefits

  1. Reconnect with old classmates
  2. Networking opportunity with other alumni
  3. Give back to your alma mater
  4. Enhance your leadership skills by serving on the board of directors and association committees
  5. Gain access to the online alumni directory
  6. Attend periodic reunion events
  7. Career opportunity postings
  8. Alumni eNewsletter
  9. Exclusive alumni association gifts

Support Association Activities

  1. Serve on the association Board
  2. Serve on an association committee
  3. Help to improve your alma mater campus facility
  4. Serve as a mentor to current students

Membership Dues


FGCLAANA Reunion & Fundraiser Event

Light Up FGCL 2024 Reunion Gala and Donation